Our Featured Horse of the Month is Cunningham!

Cunningham came to us in the spring of 2022 right after the untimely passing of one our most incredible and beloved volunteers. We quickly named him Cunningham after her surname and he has lived up to his name sake in more ways than we could have ever imagined.

Cunningham is the perfect blend of “whoa and go” performing very well for our more advanced riders but also taking the best care of beginner riders those in our Therapeutic riding program. He has a willingness that is hard to come by in any horse, but especially a lesson horse who has to work with so many different riders every week. The only time his willingness wanes is when he has to jump over flowers. No matter how many times we give him the chance to get comfortable with flowers he still finds them very suspicious. This little quirk is something we are more than happy to work with in exchange for his as-close-to-perfect-as-it-gets attitude around everything else.

Cunningham is a loveable gentle soul, but does love to put everything in his mouth, so you have to watch your fingers when interacting with him! In addition to Junior, Adult and therapeutic riding lessons Cunningham also competes at horses shows and is in the musical ride!

Halifax Lancers