Our featured Staff member of the Month is Pat the Dog!

Patti is our head of security stationed in the office. Patti is a four year old Coconut Hound rescued from the Dominican Republic. Patti stands at 4.3 hands high with a very athletic build which helps her excel in the jumper ring. Most of the time Patti sits quietly on an office chair making sure everyone is doing their jobs. Patti will alert office staff when someone is at the door and whine incessantly if Sophia is on the other side of the door. Patti enjoys licking Angie, eating Jessica’s lunch and getting “reverse pats” from Claire.

As with most dogs, Patti likes her personal space. If you come in the office and she barks at you, please don’t take it personally. Ignoring her and not approaching her is best. Once Patti loves you it’s hard to get rid of her and she will demand your attention at all times.

Patti does not have a favourite horse because she finds them very scary. This is why she’s an office dog, not a barn dog; there are no barn dogs at Lancers! Patti’s favorite days at the barn are when our farrier Maggie Mcdonald comes and she gets to eat hoof trimmings!

Patti is grateful to Lancers for providing her some canine employment and for giving her a safe space to be when her mom works. Patti hopes to continue her career at Lancers and be apart of the mission to Build Better Lives Through Horses! We love you Patti!!

Halifax Lancers