Our Featured Volunteer of the month is Alex Chisholm!

Alex is a junior rider at Lancers. She started at Lancers when she was 8 years old in 2016. While she is a rider at Lancers today we want to celebrate her volunteer contributions. Every year when the horses go to camp in August, we rely on many volunteers to help with repairs, and maintenance around the barn. Alex spent nearly every day that she wasn’t at camp at the barn being a huge help.

Over the years, Alex has taken every opportunity to learn more and be involved at the barn. She participates in horse shows, and clinics, this is her second year in the Musical Ride, and she attends Salmon River camp every year, where she has great memories of having fun with friends and horses. This year she had to spend many weeks out of the saddle because of a broken arm, but she still showed up and helped out in any way she could. Often times we had to stop her from trying to help too much while her arm was still healing.

“I think that volunteering at Lancers is very gratifying as I know I am helping an organization that I care a lot about.” You will often see Alex at the barn working hard during hay and shavings deliveries, clean up days, and August clean up. She works hard with a smile on her face, and will not hesitate to jump in and help out a fellow Lancer.

“The Lancer community has given a lot to me, I have met really good friends and horses through the my time spent at Lancers.” Alex’s favorite horse at the barn is Merlin, because of his quirky personality on the ground and in the saddle.

We are so grateful to all of our volunteers, and it means so much when junior riders like Alex step up and take on extra roles. Thank you for all your work, Alex!

Halifax Lancers