Our Featured Adult Rider of the Month is Melanie Hunt! 

“It doesn't matter how long you've been away from Lancers, once you walk through the front door it feels like you never left.”  Melanie started riding at Lancers as a junior rider in 2001. She continued riding until graduating high school. While in university she rode at other barns casually. In 2021 after a number of years away, Melanie returned to Lancers in 2021 as an adult rider. 

Growing up at Lancers, some of Melanie's favorite horses were Willy, Simba, Jake, and Peter. Melanie now enjoys working with Chevy because “He has a puppy dog personality and how can you not fall in love with that sweet face! He can be a tough and stubborn ride but it makes it that much more rewarding when you figure out how to work together as a team.” 

Horses teach us many life lessons and skills that we can apply to our lives. Melanie has benefited from growing up at Lancers and around horses. It taught her to be strong, confident, and responsible in all aspects of her life. Melanie enjoys being at Lancers and surrounded by people who share the love of horses “I feel so lucky to be part of such an amazing community who all collectively care for the horses, each other, and support everything Lancers does!”

In the past two years, Melanie has jumped right into helping with clean-up days, volunteering in Therapeutic Riding, and Musical Ride. She has also participated in training shows and the Downtown Horse show, most recently she has taken an interest in grooming at off-property horse shows! Melanie plans to continue her riding career, improving her horsemanship skills and getting more involved in Lancer activities and initiatives! 

After some time away we are so glad Melanie was able to come back to Lancers, and we appreciate all of her contributions. It is clear how much Melanie cares for the horses and she shares her passion with her fellow Lancers.

Halifax Lancers