Our Featured Junior Rider of the Month is Sophie Moore!

Our Featured Junior Rider of the Month is Sophie Moore! 

If you have been to the barn on a weekday after school or a Saturday morning, then you have probably met Sophie. Sophie started riding at Lancers in January 2022 and has quickly immersed herself in everything Lancers has to offer. “I started at Lancers originally because I wanted to ride, and it was so close to my house, but now Lancers is one of my homes, I have met so many amazing people and horses there, I cannot think of a life before Lancers.”  

Sophie spends as many waking hours as she can at the barn. It is clear how much Sophie cares for the horses, but also all of the people at Lancers. She is very encouraging and supportive to everyone around her. Sophie enjoys riding Eddie in her lessons. She says that he is fun to work with in the saddle and on the ground, “he is adorable, and he is overall such an amazing horse!”

All riders who spend extra time at Lancers know that they may be put to work at any point. Sophie embraces the hard work, and helps with anything she is asked. She is developing great equestrian skills and life skills every day.

“Horses and the people at Lancers have overall made my life so much better, I miss Lancers a lot when I leave for any occasion, but I love to come back and see everyone, Horses really make you feel so much better. If I'm feeling down, they make you feel better, the same goes for the people at Lancers!”

Halifax Lancers