Our Featured Adult Rider of the Month is Emmaline Cress!

“Riding is a challenge of not only athleticism but also communication. Every horse I ride pushes me to improve myself in both aspects and learn how to work with each animal's unique personality.” Emmaline started riding at Lancers in 2020 after spending many years on the waitlist she was thrilled to start riding. Before riding at Lancers, Emmaline has been riding since she was 15, after doing one trail ride sparked her love of the sport, she then began taking lessons. Emmaline loved being able to spend time at the barn surrounded by horses and people who share that passion, “Lancer’s commitment to the physical and mental wellbeing of their many horses is unlike any other facility I've been to.” 

Emmaline has grown very fond of Clementine for her sweet nature and love for her job. “The first time I rode Clementine was a magical moment for me. Even though she was faster than I was used to, and preferred less contact on the reins than I was accustomed to, I felt an immediate connection with her personality. It felt even more special when my instructor, Sophia, said she liked us together as a team.”  Emmaline has many fond memories of her last few years at Lancers although her favourite memory was when she fell off Sadie, “as odd as that sounds. She waited so patiently to make sure I was on my feet and then started speed walking to the mounting block, eager to get back to work. We then repeated the course successfully, proving that one tumble would not keep me down and that Sadie and I could work through the mistake together.”

Emmaline takes away more than just learning to ride from Lancers, “Life, much like riding a horse, is often about focusing and multitasking while still enjoying the ride. Lancers has given me the chance to build upon those skills with the help of excellent instructors like Sophia, who push me to be the best rider I can be even if it means making some changes that might be uncomfortable at first (I am slowly getting accustomed to riding with longer stirrups).” 

Emmaline values her time at Lancers and even if she is only there for a few hours a week it has a positive impact on her life. Emmaline has clearly captured the magic of the Horses of Halifax. 

Halifax Lancers