Our Featured Horse of the month is Ava Jane!

Ava has been at Lancers for 4 years, and what a fantastic addition she has been to the Horses of Halifax.

Ava became a Lancer horse through a co-purchase agreement. This means she has a rider whose family helped to purchase her who gets to work with her consistently. Ava also goes in other lessons, and eventually will be a full time Lancer horse. Her rider Julia has developed a wonderful partnership with her, and they are currently away showing at International Bromont in Quebec!

We are so proud to have a horse and rider from Lancers be able to show at this level. Ava has so far earned two 2nd place placings in big 0.90m jumper classes, with 60+ horses competing!!

Ava is the sweetest mare you will ever meet and is a pleasure to work with and take places. Bananas are her favourite treat, and she is affectionately known to many as “Poopy Sue”.

Halifax Lancers