Our featured horse of the month is Chevy!

We are featuring Chevy this month to thank him for everything he has done for generations of Lancers and the people of Halifax. Chevy has been one of the Horses of Halifax for well over a decade and taught hundreds of people new skills and lessons in confidence and perseverance. Chevy has beautiful soft expressions and the kindest eye that will melt your heart. After all of these years, Chevy has more than earned his retirement from the school horse life. Chevy has started to let us know that he would be happier in a slower-paced program. At Lancers, we greatly value our horses and the service they provide for us, often for many years. In return, we strive to give them a retirement where they can enjoy their golden years. We aim to find a home for our horses while they still have some good years left. Chevy will soon be moving to the country where his new owner (a current Lancer!) will dote on him and continue to develop the wonderful relationship they have begun at Lancers.

Thank you Chevy for being such a great friend, teacher, and confidant to so many.

Halifax Lancers