Our Featured Junior Rider for March is Trinity McRiner!


For over the past ten years, Trinity McRiner has been a proud Lancer. As she is graduating high school this year, many green pastures are beckoning her. We decided that we should use this chance to say thank you to her for being a part of our community and celebrate her time as a Lancer.

The love of horses was first sparked for Trinity when as a young child, her mother bought her a “my little pony”; from then on it’s been all horses! While she had some riding experience elsewhere, Trinity started riding at Lancers after her mother had heard amazing things about Lancers and the community that surrounded it. It was about 2007 when she first stepped into the barn. Although she was still young and much shorter at the time, she vividly remembers her first steps into the barn to drop off her first riding fees. Seeing on cross ties what she thought at the time were the biggest horses in the world, she immediately asked her mom if they had ponies and sure enough we did and Trinity was soon falling in love with her (now old friend) Jake. When Lancers switched management three years ago, Trinity took the opportunity to explore other stables in the area but she couldn’t stay away for long and we were so happy to have her back and she entered into Ride 2! While she is too tall to ride Jake anymore, Trinity now rides a variety of horses.


It was understandably hard for Trinity to choose just one favourite horse from her decade at Lancers as she has had many favourites. In the past, she adored Cash, an old Appaloosa gelding, and Jake (of course) but a friendship she will never forget was with Lucas who taught her so much about riding, horsemanship, and never giving up. Footnote: we can attest to Trinity’s love of Lucas as this year someone uncovered a brush with his name carved into it and it was Trinity’s mission to acquire said brush at Christmas silent auction! Last year, she fell in love with Valour the police horse who she still brings bananas to as they she discovered they are his favourite treat. Currently Bella has completely stolen Trinity’s heart. According to Trinity, Bella’s easy going manner, patience, and her willingness to try are some of her best qualities. Bella and Trinity have steadily progressed together since they started working together last March. This year they participated in the Erin MacQuarrie Dressage Clinic at Lancers and Trinity found it one of the most helpful and fun things they have done as a team. She cannot wait to see how this show season turns out as she is so excited to have Bella in the ring!

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Beyond the horses, Trinity’s favourite thing about Lancers is the friendships that she has made with her fellow riders. She explained, “the community that surrounds Lancers is so amazing and supportive of all its riders and I’ve yet to come across a barn quite like it. The Lancers horses, the ability to ride and experience so many different amazing horses, and their teachings, have constantly been there for me to build my confidence and teach me patience and skills that I would not have developed otherwise.” Trinity added, “I also have a deep love for the history behind our barn and have spent hours, especially as a young Lancer, in the Michelle Room just staring at the pictures on the walls or looking up and reading about the barn’s long history.”

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Trinity was proud to join the Musical Ride team and her best memories of Lancers have come recently from being a part of the 2017 Musical Ride. “It was so amazing to be involved in such a unique experience and do it alongside so many friends was great”, she explained. Elaborating on this, Trinity noted, “practicing on and performing on the Garrison Grounds was unlike anything I’ve ever done before and I was very thankful to have my trusted partner Bella go through the whole thing with me as it was both of our first times in the Musical Ride”. Although Trinity has aged out of the Musical Ride for this year, she is excited to see who Bella’s partner is this year and hopes to volunteer with the 2018 Musical Ride. Some of Trinity’s other favourite memories stem from the many training shows she has participated in and the very fun experience of riding the horses bareback through the sprinklers on the hot summer days!


When not riding, Trinity loves to ski when our winters co-operate as it is an activity she has done with family and friends since she was young. Riding, school, and her part-time job take up all of her waking hours! Trinity exemplifies such dedication as she has been working very hard from a young age and pays for her own riding lessons. It is exciting to see that Trinity is exploring the world around her and searching for her true passion in life. When she graduates in June, she has many opportunities at her doorstep. While staying at home to work and continue to ride at Lancers would make her more than happy, she may decide to go further afield! Wherever she goes, she knows that she will always continue riding.  

Well, Trinity, while we’ll love to keep you, part of the job of Lancers is to prepare young people for the future, whether it is in the saddle or more broadly in the lessons that riding and being a Lancer have instilled in you. We thank you for being a part of our community for so long and we are confident that you will flourish wherever you go! …If you do leave…we’ll definitely also miss your Rapunzel hair!